Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Babies dance to Beyoncé - the "I'm Real" deal

"'Cause I'm real. The way you walk, the way you move, the way you talk." -I'm Real, Kidz Bop 2

I absolutely love this. Why? Maybe because I was a dancing baby 20 years ago.

A baby grooving to Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" music video has over 2.8 million views and has parents wondering why little kids love the song so much. In fact the YouTube sensation has spurred a whole troop of dancing diaper-clad babies across the nation, inspiring a Web site called article published an article today asking "Why Do Tots Love Beyoncé?"

"Lyrics like "if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it" aren't the stuff of Sesame Street, and the stark white background and synchronized moves of Beyoncé and two other dancers, all in black leotards and heels, seem about as far from The Wiggles as one gets, which is why some parents have been taken aback by how popular "Single Ladies" is with their children," says author Ada Calhoun.

People at the popular Baby Einstein company suggests that the "Single Ladies" video provides visual and aural stimulation well suited for the under-2 crowd.

"Babies love high-contrast colors, steady beats and smiling women's faces," says Calhoun.

So what does this have to do with Kidz Bop?

This music video and song shows that kids CAN enjoy music without it being altered. Songs don't need to be child-proofed in order for a kid to dance around or hum along. Beyoncé's hit music video, which Kanye West believes is the "one of the best videos of all time," can stand by itself and reach across all ages. Can't we leave more songs alone and let them walk, move and talk by themselves?

To read the entire article, click here: All the Single Babies: Why Do Tots Love Beyoncé?

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